What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective form of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis, also known as trance. Trance is a state of deep relaxation and focused attention that can be a highly beneficial and enjoyable experience. During hypnotherapy, we work to facilitate a fundamental shift in the subconscious mind, helping to dissolve unwanted behaviours and thought patterns. By tapping into the power of the subconscious, we can create lasting positive changes that benefit the individual's mental and emotional well-being.

How does Hypnotherapy work?

As a practitioner of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, my approach involves first assessing how the client is feeling by asking targeted questions to understand the challenges they are facing. From there, we work together to explore how the client would like to see their future, with the focus on creating positive change. The key to success is in the power of focus itself; by directing our attention towards desired behaviours and outcomes, we can begin to carve new neural pathways in the brain. This taps into the concept of neuro plasticity, or the brain's ability to change and adapt, allowing us to establish new, more resourceful ways of thinking. Over time, these positive habits become our default, leading to long-lasting, meaningful change.

How does Hypnotherapy work for anxiety?

Anxiety is an emotional response to perceived threats, often caused by fear and negative thinking. People experiencing anxiety become trapped in negative cycles of worrying about the future and dwelling on the past. When anxiety levels are high, the primitive mind takes over and perceives the anxiety itself as a threat. This can lead to irrational, reactive, and negative behaviours that perpetuate the cycle of anxiety.

Solution-focused hypnotherapy can help clients break free from this cycle by examining their mindset and perceptions of their lives. By focusing on the positive aspects of their experiences and visualising their ideal future, clients can challenge false beliefs and develop new, more positive thought patterns. This is achieved through a combination of talking therapy and hypnosis, which can help clients access their subconscious minds and make deep, lasting changes to their thinking and behaviour.

Does Hypnotherapy work for weight loss?

Yes, overeating is a coping mechanism for stress. During times of stress, we may find ourselves turning to foods that are high in sugar and fat, rather than making healthy nutritional choices that support our long-term health. Additionally, the release of the highly addictive reward chemical dopamine during eating further drives us to overindulge.

To break the cycle of stress eating, we address the root cause of the stress and find healthier ways to cope. By reducing stress levels and focusing on positive lifestyle changes, we can shift our mindset away from a fixation on weight loss and instead prioritise our overall wellbeing. Over time, making healthier choices becomes a natural part of our routine, leading to sustainable weight loss and improved physical and mental health. It takes commitment and effort, but the rewards are worth it.

Does Hypnotherapy work to quit smoking?

Yes, as with weight loss, the client has to be ready and committed to make real change.

Smoking is a widely known health hazard that is detrimental to our overall wellbeing. Yet, despite this knowledge, people still smoke. This is because smoking can be a habitual response to stress or anxiety, programmed into our primitive mind. It can create a cycle of addiction that's difficult to break, especially if it's tied to our natural supply of serotonin and dopamine.

However, it's important to realise that there are other healthy activities that can provide the same feel-good effect without the harmful consequences. In hypnotherapy, we seek to understand why you smoke, identifying the triggers that make you reach for a cigarette. By delving deeper into your lifestyle, we can work together to address the root cause of your smoking habit.

In a relaxed state of trance, we reprogram your subconscious beliefs and reaffirm your desire to lead a healthy and smoke-free life. We focus on the countless benefits of being smoke-free, reinforcing the positive changes you're making in your life. With hypnotherapy, you can overcome the addiction to smoking and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Depending on the client this can take 2 - 6 sessions

Does Hypnotherapy work to quit alcohol & recreational drugs?

As with smoking the client must be committed to making real change.

Excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on our mental health, leading to feelings of depression and anxiety that can negatively impact various aspects of our lives. From our self-esteem and confidence to our work and relationships, alcohol can be a barrier to success and happiness. For some, drinking can start as a habit and then develop into a coping mechanism for stress.

Hypnotherapy offers a solution to break this cycle by identifying the root cause of excessive drinking and realigning individuals with their core values and goals. This process may take time, but once individuals recognise and acknowledge that they deserve a happy and healthy lifestyle, positive changes can occur, allowing them to naturally make better choices.

Hypnotherapy for fertility - can it help?

Struggling with fertility can be a challenging and emotional experience, often resulting in high levels of anxiety and distress. Each month that passes with negative results can feel like a tremendous loss for couples trying to conceive. As a therapist, I have helped clients navigate the complexities of IVF treatment, offering support and guidance through the medical process and hormonal changes. During our sessions, we focus on reducing anxiety related to uncontrollable factors and maintaining a strong mind-body connection. By harnessing the power of the mind over the body, we can create the optimal environment for conception. When the mind is in a state of fight-or-flight, stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline can hinder the process of conception. By prioritising mental and emotional well-being, we can better support physical health and the journey towards parenthood.

How long does Hypnotherapy take to work?

Every client and challenge is different, positive results can be felt between 1 - 12 sessions.

If you are committed to the therapy and do your homework ;) results are felt sooner.